A High Altitude Balloon is an unmanned balloon, typically a weather balloon that is launched into near space typically with a scientific payload or camera.
Balloons reach about 30-50 kilometers in altitude and stay aloft for 2-3 hours. High altitude balloons have recently been a focus in the scientific community as a low cost method of launching equipment into near space.
Near Space Balloons are one of the cheapest ways to observe the earth from the sky. A high altitude Balloon carries the instruments aloft in order to send the information to the ground station. The unit that performs the actual measurements i.e radiosonde hangs at the lower end of the string and sends the data using Radio frequency.
The application area of the balloons ranges from the regular weather data collection & earth observation to highly scientific experiments which include measuring of the outer space radiation.
The Balloon CPR 1200 is filled with Helium Gas after calculating parameters like Payload weight, trajectory, altitude, neck lift weight etc. Moreover, we need approval from agencies such as Airport Authorities, Air Force Authorities if lies in/near to launching area, Ministry of Defense etc.
High Altitude Balloon satellite will be launched using Helium balloon. Using a helium balloon the payload (satellite) will be taken to the stratosphere i.e. to the height of 99,000 feet.
Our balloon will carry student experiments to an altitude of 30-50km, more than twice the height of commercial airliners, where they will be above 99% of Earth’s atmosphere. Along the way they will experience conditions including temperatures of -50°C, pressures 1/100th that of sea level and an increased radiation dose.
Congratulations to all the students at Dikshant School for their DikshantSat-I High Altitude Balloon Sat.
This is so awesome,congrats to whole team....so so proud.
HAB Satellite Name : DIKSHANTSAT-I
Launch Date : 29th March 2019
Payload Type : Scientific Payload includes Camera, Environmental Sensors
Altitude Reached : 1,50,000 feets
Mission Status : Successful
HAB Satellite Name : NEERJAMODISAT-1
Launch Date : 1st Quarter 2024
Payload Type : TBD
Altitude : 50km
Your School is Interested in launching High Altitude Balloon Satellite?
Call us at +91-7015229749, +91-9896416649
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